삼손은 장인이 그 아내를 다른 남자에게 준 일로 여우를 잡아서 둘씩 꼬리를 묶고 그 묶은 꼬리에 횃불을 꽂아서 추수할 때가 된 블레셋 사람들의 밀밭에 풀어버렸습니다. 그 결과 분노한 블레셋 사람들이 그 일의 원인이 삼손의 아내와 장인에게 있다는 것을 알고 두 사람을 불태워 죽였고 그러자 다시 삼손이 그 일을 이유로 블레셋 사람들을 크게 도륙하였다고 하고 있습니다.
그리고 이 일로 블레셋 사람들이 유다를 침공하게 되고 유다의 사람들은 블레셋 사람들에게 침공의 이유가 삼손에게 있다는 것을 듣고서는 삼천명이나 되는 사람들이 삼손을 찾아가서 삼손을 적국인 블레셋에게 넘겨버립니다. 마치 가룟유다가 예수님을 넘긴 것과 같이. 물론 그럼에도 삼손은 결박당한 밧줄을 불 딴 삼과 같이 끊고 다시 많은 블레셋 사람을 죽이게 됩니다.
삼손은 사사로의 삶을 사는 동안 처음에 얻었던 그 블레셋 사람 아내로 인한 일이 거의 전부였습니다. 그 아내와 관련하여 하나님이 주신 놀라운 힘을 사용해 왔습니다. 그리고 그 블레셋인 아내를 취하는 것은 분명히 하나님으로부터 나온 일이라고 말씀하고 있습니다.
우리는 흔히 삼손이 이방인 아내와 다음에 나오는 기생 들릴라에 빠져 인생을 망친 사람으로 생각합니다. 특히 결국은 들릴라의 꾐에 빠져 자기 힘의 비밀인 머리를 밀리고서 힘없이 잡혀가서는 눈이 뽑힌 체 조롱당하는 모습에 그 모든 것은 하나님의 계명을 어긴 것이라고 생각합니다. 어릴 적에 교회를 다녔다면 적어도 한 번쯤은 그런 설교를 들었을 것입니다.
그러나 삼손은 그렇게 실패한 사사라고 보기 어렵습니다. 오히려 삼손은 다른 사사들에 비하여 예수님의 삶과 유사한 부분이 많습니다. 동족에게 배신을 당하는 것, 예수님께서 십자가에서 목마르다고 하신 것처럼 블레셋 사람들을 나귀 턱뼈로 물리치다 목이 말라 하나님께 부르짖은 것, 그리고 십자가에 달리심 같이 블레셋사람들의 성전 기둥에 묶여 있다 그것을 무너뜨림으로 죽으면서 많은 이방인을 죽이는 것 역시 예수님께서 죽으심으로 우리 안에 있는 모든 이방인의 본성을 이기게 하심과 연결되어 있습니다.
우리는 성경을 볼 때에 늘 강조하는 바와 같이 <육신의 행위 – 그 행위에 대한 하나님의 판단 – 하나님의 판단에 따른 축복 혹은 심판의 벌>이라는 관점에 봐왔고 지금도 대부분의 신앙인들이 그렇습니다. 특히나 신학을 공부한 사람들은 아예 이런 관점에서 성경을 학문으로 만들어 공부하고, 그 공부의 결과로 얻은 라이센스를 바탕으로 생계를 유지하고 자신의 신분적 권위를 유지하고 있기 때문에 더더욱 그렇습니다.
그러나 성경은 그런 이야기가 아닙니다. 우리가 어떤 행위를 하느냐에 따라 하나님의 반응이 달라지는 그런 가치관 위에 쓰여진 책이 아니라는 것입니다. 그런 관점으로 보면 삼손은 참 간단한 사사로 보일 수 있지만 삼손은 사사기에서도 아주 많은 분량을 할애하여 그 행적을 전하고 있는 (대)사사입니다. 단순하게 하나님이 정한 법을 어겨서 혼나고 하나님이 다시 힘을 주신 그런 사사가 아니라는 것입니다.
삼손과 예수님의 유사점을 살펴보겠습니다.
삼손 |
예수님 |
다른 사사들이 군사를 일으켜서 전쟁을 하였으나 삼손은 홀로 활동(삼손 이후에 더 이상 사사가 없음) |
예수님 이전에는 선지자가 많았지만 예수님은 왕이요 제사장이시므로 선지자 활동이 끝남(세례요한이 잡히시자 복음을 전하셨다고 함) |
하나님의 뜻에 따라 이방인의 아내를 취하게 되었고 그로 말미암아 많은 일이 생김 |
하나님께서 세상을 구원하시기 위하여 죄 없으신 예수님을 죄인들을 구하러 세상에 보내심 |
블레셋을 크게 물리치자 블레셋 사람들이 쳐들어 왔고 동족이 블레셋에게 삼손을 넘김 |
많은 기적을 일으키고 말씀을 전하였지만 제사장과 로마 군인들에게 넘겨짐 |
사사로서 블레셋 사람을 물리치는 중에 목이 말라 부르짖음 |
사람들을 구원하기 위한 십자가상에서 목이 마르다고 하심 |
하나님의 신이 떠나심으로 블레셋 사람들에게 잡힘 |
십자가에서 하나님이 버리심 |
블레셋인들의 신전 기둥에 묶여 조롱을 당하였으나 기둥을 무너뜨려 많은 이방인을 죽임 |
십자가에 달려 조롱 받고 죽임을 당하였으나 그 일로 인하여 많은 사람들이 구원을 얻게 됨(사람 안에 있는 이방인의 본성을 이기게 됨) |
모든 사사들이 형식을 본질로 보는 이방인의 가치관을 물리치는 일을 하였습니다. 삼손도 그와 같았습니다. 그리고 예수님께서도 우리에게 우리 눈에 보이는 것이 본질이 아니라는 것을 말씀하셨고, 예수님의 그 말씀을 전한 사도들도 그것을 누누이 강조하였습니다. 그런데 오늘 우리는 아직도 눈에 보이는 것을 본질로 알고 삽니다.
육신을 소비하려 하지 않고 보전하고 안위하는 것을 복이라 여기는 이방인의 마음으로 살면서 오히려 그 관점으로 성경을 역으로 해석하여 신학을 만들고 교회에서는 세상에서의 성공이 하나님의 복이라며 자신들의 가치관과 같이 육신의 안위와 보전하는 것을 위하여 하나님을 믿습니다. 그러나 삼손은 자신의 육신과 재능을 하나님의 뜻에 따라 이방인의 본성을 이겨내는 것에 소비했습니다. 삼손은 그렇듯 성공한 사사입니다.
(Translation by Google)
Is Samson a successful judge?
Samson took the fox by his craftsman's wife to another man, tied his tail by two, and put a torch on his tied tail, and unpacked it into the wheat fields of the Philistines who were to be harvest time. As a result, the angry Philistines found that the cause of the matter was the wife of Samson and the craftsman, burned the two men and burned them, and Samson said that he had slaughtered the Philistines greatly because of his work.
And when the Philistines invaded Judah, and the people of Judah heard that the cause of the invasion of the Philistines was in Samson, three thousand people went to Samson and handed Samson to Philip, the enemy. Just as Judas Iscariot handed Jesus over. Of course, Samson cut off the rope that was bound, and he killed many Philistines again.
Samson was almost entirely the result of that first Philistine wife, while living the life of Sasaro. I have used the wonderful power God has given to me in connection with his wife. And that taking the Philistine wife is certainly from God.
We often think of Samson as the strangest wife and the next bride of the giants who ruined life. Especially in the end, I think that all of it is a violation of the commandment of God in the appearance of being pulled out of the eyes and pulled out of the power, the secret of his power, If I had attended church in my childhood, I would have listened to such a sermon at least once.
But it is hard to see Samson as such a failed judge. Rather, Samson has much in common with Jesus' life than other judges. Like the betrayal of your own people, as Jesus said you were thirsty on the cross, defeat the Philistines with the jawbone of the donkey. They cried out to you for being thirsty, and crouched on the cross as you were tied to the pillars of the temple of the Philistines. Killing many Gentiles is also linked to the death of Jesus, which overcomes the nature of all the Gentiles in us.
As we always emphasize in the Bible, we have seen in the view that "the act of the flesh - the judgment of God on the act - the blessing or judging according to God 's judgment" and most believers still do. In particular, those who have studied theology have made the study of the Bible academically from this point of view, and because of their livelihoods based on the results of their studies and maintaining their own identity authority.
But the Bible is not such a story. It is not a book written on such values that the response of God depends on what we do. From that point of view, Samson can be seen as a simple simple example, but Samson is a great judge who has spent a great deal of his time in the Judges. It is not simply the judge who is disgusted by the law that God has ordained, and who has given God strength again.
Let's look at the similarities between Samson and Jesus: Samson took a fox by his craftsman's wife to another man, tied his tail by two, and put a torch on his tied tail and unpacked it into the wheat fields of the Philistines who were to be harvest time. As a result, the angry Philistines found that the cause of the matter was that of Samson's wife and craftsman, and burned the two men and burned them, and Samson said that he had greatly slaughtered the Philistines because of his work.
And when the Philistines invaded Judah, and the people of Judah heard that the cause of the invasion of the Philistines was in Samson, three thousand people went to Samson and handed Samson to Philip, the enemy. Just as Judas Iscariot handed Jesus over. Of course, Samson cut off the rope that was bound, and he killed many Philistines again.
Samson was almost entirely the result of that first Philistine wife, while living the life of Sasaro. I have used the wonderful power God has given to me in connection with his wife. And that taking the Philistine wife is certainly from God.
We often think of Samson as the strangest wife and the next bride of the giants who ruined life. Especially in the end, I think that all of it is a violation of the commandment of God in the appearance of being pulled out of the eyes and pulled out of the power, the secret of his power, If I had attended church in my childhood, I would have listened to such a sermon at least once.
But it is hard to see Samson as such a failed judge. Rather, Samson has much in common with Jesus' life than other judges. Like the betrayal of your own people, as Jesus said you were thirsty on the cross, defeat the Philistines with the jawbone of the donkey. They cried out to you for being thirsty, and crouched on the cross as you were tied to the pillars of the temple of the Philistines. Killing many Gentiles is also linked to the death of Jesus, which overcomes the nature of all the Gentiles in us.
As we always emphasize in the Bible, we have seen in the view that "the act of the flesh - the judgment of God on the act - the blessing or judging according to God 's judgment" and most believers still do. In particular, those who have studied theology have made the study of the Bible academically from this point of view, and because of their livelihoods based on the results of their studies and maintaining their own identity authority.
But the Bible is not such a story. It is not a book written on such values that the response of God depends on what we do. From that point of view, Samson can be seen as a simple simple example, but Samson is a great judge who has spent a great deal of his time in the Judges. It is not simply the judge who is disgusted by the law that God has ordained, and who has given God strength again.
Let's look at the similarities between Samson and Jesus.
Samson |
Jesus |
The other judges caused the war to war, but Samson alone (after Samson no more judges) |
Before Jesus, there were many prophets, but since Jesus is the King and the priest, the work of the prophets is finished (John the Baptist was caught and told the gospel) |
According to the will of God, he became a wife of the Gentiles, and a lot of things happened to him. |
God sent the sinless Jesus to save the world in order to save the world |
The Philistines fought against the Philistines, and their brethren handed Samson over to Philistia. |
He raised many miracles and preached the word, but was handed over to priests and Roman soldiers. |
As a judge, I cry out as I am thirsty while defeating the Philistines |
He was thirsty on the cross to save people. |
The God of God is leaving the Philistines |
God on the cross discarded |
They were tied up by the pillars of the temple of the Philistines, but they destroyed the pillars and killed many Gentiles. |
He was ridiculed and slain on the cross, but because of that many people were saved (to overcome the nature of the Gentiles in man) |
All the judges have done the work of rejecting the values of the Gentiles who see the form as the essence. Samson was like him. And Jesus also told us that what we see in our eyes is not the essence, and the apostles who preached the word of Jesus stress it well. Today, however, we still know what we see in the nature.
Instead of consuming the body, we live in the hearts of the Gentiles who are blessed to preserve and reassure themselves, but rather interpret the Bible as a reverse view to make theology. In church, success in the world is God's blessing. I believe in God for comfort and preservation. But Samson consumed his body and talents to overcome the nature of the Gentiles according to the will of God. Samson is as successful as he is.
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